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Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Exploring All of Shanghai

Thought I would create a post mainly showing photos that I have taken from my adventures around Shanghai so far. I will keep updating it as the year goes on.
There are some famous and well known places and some unknowns which aren't usually shown across the media.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Why I'm not Flying Back Home in the Holidays

Through the months of January and February, we have our CNY (Chinese New Year) break which consists of a glorious 6-week holiday. This is our only big holiday so we deserve it after a hard, long and quite painful first semester. This is the time where us international students either choose to go travelling or take a trip back to our home countries. It is also when the first semester has ended so some people will be leaving and replaced by new arrivals.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Life Lately || Buying a Bike and Getting a Job

Bit of an overdue post as it's all oldish news but there's been a few funny incidents since so thought I'd share them with you all.
My third week of lectures I finally gave in and bought a bike. I had been delaying this for several days now and all my fiends had got theirs so thought it was about time I got one. It takes 20 minutes just to get to my classes building...and I live on the same campus, so a bike is necessary.

Ever since I got it, my bike has been my saviour. I don't have to leave as early for class, I can cycle to the closest shopping mall in 20 minutes (rather than 40 minutes), and it saves me taking a taxi whenever I feel lazy and don't want to walk.

There have been a few funny incidents since getting my bike. The other day I got pulled over by the police for doing absolutely nothing wrong. When I saw a guy next to me giving him money I was getting slightly worried. After 10 minutes I just asked a different policemen if I could go and he didn't seem to care less what I did, so I went.
Other incidents that have happened are very common, such as crashing into other bikes or having to suddenly break because of people being in the way (always happens, there's so many damn people in China).
To be honest, being on 2 wheels in a city like Shanghai is the most unsafe way of transport but it is also the easiest to get around with.

The other good news is that I managed to get a teaching job. I teach a 6 six year old girl twice a week a few metro stops downtown. The family is so lovely and I feel very fortunate to have been given this contact so soon. I have now been teaching her for 3 weeks and, even though it can be challenging at times, it is such a good feeling knowing you are helping a child learn and improve on a difficult language. They always invite me to dinner and give me dinner in-between teaching and also invite me out to see and do things, such as Archery.
I am also going to start teaching her to swim better. They have an inside and outside pool in their compound which is very useful.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2016

City Trip with the University

Remember those school trips you would go on in primary and secondary school and you would get all excited because you're going away from campus and exploring something new. Yeah, this is how I felt today. We were taking a free trip to multiple attractions in Shanghai, including Xintiandi, Yuyuan Gardens and a cruise across Huangpu river with dinner on top of that. Being spoilt or what? There were 3 routes to choose from as well but the other two I thought were too common and have already been to some of the places. Either way, all trips sounded amazing!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Crazy Cheap in China

People who have never been to China do not realise how incredibly cheap it is. With the exception of accommodation and flights to China, once you are here then you can live quite easily on a small budget. By small, I mean about £200 a month, for a student though. I am living on campus so my dorms are extremely cheap, they go down to £4 a day, that's about £84 a month, which is the equivalent to what I roughly pay a week for university accommodation in England!

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