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Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

Friday, August 04, 2017

7 'Out of the Ordinary' Things I Want to Experience

Ok they may not be very 'out of the ordinary', but it's not your typical "climb a mountain"...they are quite specific and different. Some of these I've wanted to do for a while and some are only recently new to the list.
I would love to say I've ticked all these experiences off by the time I'm 30, a little optimistic but let's see how well I get on!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Life Lately || Returned Home, Family Reunion, Sister's Graduation

It's been a week since I flew home...a week?! It feels like forever; did I even leave? It is really surprising how little changed in a year. I've had a pretty full on week and it's been non-stop. Lots has already happened this week which is probably why it's flown by and I am a day behind everyone else. I keep thinking it's the day before (so today would be Friday for me when it's actually Saturday, annoying right?)
Another thing that has really hit me is how little time I have to connect with everyone on social media. It was actually a lot easier when I was 8 hours ahead, I'll hopefully have more time when I finish work this July; even scheduling tweets is hard to remember.
I am just beginning to get over jet lag and adjusting back into my sleeping pattern, although I still struggle to make it past 10pm.

Friday, June 16, 2017

7 Ways that Help me Escape a Bad Mood Phase

Whenever I find myself in a bad mood, there are certain things that will instantly boost the mood. Some may give you some ideas for what you could do if you ever find yourself in a bad mood.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Needing a Change of Lifestyle

Which lifestyle you ask? Where you go our clubbing and drinking 3 nights a week, get home at 5am or later and wake up with terrible hangovers...that life and I'm over it now. The past 2 months I've been alcohol free and it feels great and I DON'T miss it. To be honest, I've been disliking alcohol for about a year now, I have to be in the right mood to get ready to go out for the night. Apart from the odd cocktail now and then (because I can't say no to a delicious cosmo), I could go on with my life without it.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

My Summer Plans

I'm taking this summer to chill out and relax. I haven't had a summer where I've been in the UK the whole time for a longgggg time, about 10 years I think, so it will be weird but quite nice not having to pack or get ready for a holiday (having said that, I wouldn't mind a holiday haha).
I said I can't wait to chill out and relax this summer but that's not exactly what my whole summer entails. Sadly, I do have a job to go back to for the rest of July, but I'm free from it the whole of August as I am planning on quitting my job as a lifeguard, after three years of working as one. This means I have August to sit back and enjoy a quiet summer before the chaos of my final year at university kicks in.

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