Me and my sister, Lauren, wanted to take a trip together before going our separate ways once again. New Forest seemed the perfect option as it's not too far away, about an hour and a half, and there is plenty to do; pubs, little villages, walking, exploring...
After getting lost and going round circles for quite a while, we managed to park up and venture down to the river. We walked all along the river and eventually found that we would have to cross it at some stage. Lauren attempted to cross numerous times but ended up nearly falling in.
Eventually we found one place which seemed the most practical and reasonable way; basically a way which would less likely make us fall in. Clearly, I misjudged it as I was very close to falling in. And no, I was not wearing the most practical shoes for this..
We did, eventually, have to walk across the river which was extremely cold but also refreshing as it was very hot on this day.
This was also a good chance to take out my camera and get some nice shots of the landscapes and wildlife. I didn't get the best of shots as the horses can be quite unpredictable so I did not want to be going too near them, especially if they were in a big group.
Have you been to the New Forest before?