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Saturday, June 03, 2017

Creating my Dream Office || Pinspiration

My series Pinspiration started with bedroom ideas as I am hoping to redecorate in the foreseeable future. I have kept to this theme of room inspiration for this next post and thought about what I want my ideal office to look like, because I would love to have a little office or space in my future flat/house which is completely my own.
An office space should be an area which you want to be in and you're happy to work in. When I have my own flat or house in the future, I want to make room for an office space and make it all my own; my own style, favourite colour scheme, and make sure it suits my personality. 

Thursday, June 01, 2017

My All-Time Favourite Blogs

Obviously this list could go on forever because there are so many amazing blogs out there doing SO well, but these are the blogs that I have been a fan of since day one. So I have easy access to these blogs and lots of other fabulous blogs, I have made a bookmark folder dedicated to my favourites, the list currently is at 62. Maybe I will make a post dedicated to all the blogs that are in this folder, split into specific categories.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

How I Edit my Blog Photos

A few weeks ago I did a 'How I edit my Instagram photos', so I thought I would share how I edit my blog photos as the processes are both completely different. The Instagram method is a lot easier and less time consuming, whereas this process has a little more difficulty to it and involves using more complex tools.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Ultimate Guide to Bali

Why Bali?
Bali is full of life, adventure and sandy beaches. It is your perfect holiday destination as it provides a little something for everyone. As you leave the plane, you're entering a place where you can embrace endless views of rice terraces, enjoy a relaxing yoga retreat, retire to the beach and get surf lessons for very affordable prices, or wonder through some the most beautiful temples in South East Asia.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

4 Important Aspects to a Blog Post

The four important aspects which I consider to be the most important of them all. Obviously we want you to produce good content, and read your opinions on products/thoughts but what is it which draws us towards us to a blog post in the first place and why we continue to read through it all? This is only what I think are the important factors and what makes me click on posts, obviously this may not be the same opinion for everyone.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Loneliness and How to Avoid it || Solo Travelling

Travelling solo does have a few negatives to it. The sense of loneliness can creep up along the way which can sometimes leave you feeling a little on the downside. Obviously you will feel lonely at some point on the journey but there are ways to avoid it as much as possible.

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