I didn't go out of my way to ask all of you what you want to know, just because I didn't think many people would be interested (if you want to know something then let me know and I'll include it in this post). However, I get asked many questions in regards to my photos; how I edit them, what tools I use to edit them, questions regarding my Instagram photos, etc. So here I am answering them all in one post for once and for all - I'm pretty sure I've answered the question what editing tools I use to create my photos at least 20-30 times.
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Sunday, February 04, 2018
Self-Care Blog Posts You NEED To Be Reading
Lately I've been on a blog post marathon, reading so many different posts from some of my favourite bloggers, many of which I have been following for a few years now. And you know what I thought? Why not share some of these incredible reads in a blog post because they're what I think everyone needs to have a read of.
Saturday, February 03, 2018
10 Blogging Props for Travel Bloggers
I've only learnt from the best through developing my blog photography and I know mine isn't quite there yet but I'm at a place where I can share a few tips here and there to help some of you out because sharing caring right?
Sunday, January 28, 2018
6 Habits Every Blogger Should Adopt in 2018
I have been wanting to make a post like this for a while and since it's a new year what better time to start putting a few of these into place.
Us bloggers are guilty of missing a few things out, comparing our success to others and complaining about many factors in this industry. It is a tough industry to be a part of but there are a few ways around it and they are a lot more simple than you think. There have been so many posts lately about the blogging drama that has been happening and the best thing I choose to do is ignore all the hate because it will only cause myself to get angry and I feel I could end up falling out of love with blogging if I keep letting it mess with my head. I admire all of those bloggers speaking out about issues and the determination they have to fight against those who don't quite agree with the blogging industry and I back them 100%.
Us bloggers are guilty of missing a few things out, comparing our success to others and complaining about many factors in this industry. It is a tough industry to be a part of but there are a few ways around it and they are a lot more simple than you think. There have been so many posts lately about the blogging drama that has been happening and the best thing I choose to do is ignore all the hate because it will only cause myself to get angry and I feel I could end up falling out of love with blogging if I keep letting it mess with my head. I admire all of those bloggers speaking out about issues and the determination they have to fight against those who don't quite agree with the blogging industry and I back them 100%.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
The Future of this Blog
Isn't a tradition for every blogger to have a massive change to their blog at some point along the road? I'm really hoping 2018 will be that year I make that big change and properly sort my blog out to the way I have always imagined it. This change may be to the content, a different photo theme, blog layout or template etc. Here are a few goals/things I'd love to do in the first half of this year to my blog - it's about time I make a change I think!
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
4 Skills You Develop as a Blogger
Blogging can come across as quite a straight forward job; you write about something of your interest, take photos and then publish - if only if was that simple. So much goes into a single blog post but you don't necessarily see behind the scenes. You're constantly having to come up with fresh content, create and edit photographs, newsletters and emails, staying connected with the online world through various social medias; it really is a lot of work which people don't tend to realise. Through doing this all you gain numerous skills and develop these as your blog grows.
Sunday, December 03, 2017
Apps I'm Loving Right Now and You Should Be Too!
There are new apps always being discovered, allowing us to use them to boost our blogging game, promote our content and improving our styles. I haven't had any new discoveries lately and some of the apps below are very old - let's be honest who hasn't heard of Instagram? However, I wanted to go into detail as to why I am loving these apps right now and how they're upping their game. Some of these apps I have heard of from other bloggers and don't regret downloading them at all. They are all so helpful and love playing around with the different features. So what apps am I talking about?
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Spending Quality Time with Yourself
Freeing up time to sort yourself out, focus on yourself, laze around, or perhaps doing some other work is very important as it allows you to have a 'time out' from your family and friends and also your 9-5 working life.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Unmotivated and Frustrated
It's been roughly two weeks since I blogged. I'm not saying that is a good thing or a bad thing; a break is always needed from time to time. However, I say to myself that it is a bad thing because I don't really have any excuses to why I haven't been drawn to the blogging scene.
Monday, July 24, 2017
Blogger Struggles
No blogger is perfect, and a lot of bloggers will find a few struggles in this industry as it is so competitive. I find myself worrying about how my blog looks, whether my content is appealing enough, or if I even like my blog way too many times. Right now I can say I am happy, although I am waiting to gather enough confidence to buy a template I've found (which I am in love with) but sadly it's sooooo expensive, which I why I keep contemplating it.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
My Guide to Creating a Fabulous Instagram Feed
I bet you're thinking; it's easy, just choose a photo, whack a filter on and share it. Ha. Unfortunately it's no longer that simple (and if that works for you then you're a natural). If I'm wanting to build my followers and keep them attracted to my feed, there's much more to consider. And this is where I'm going to help you, by giving a mini guide on the stages to creating a beautiful Instagram feed.
Now, I know I'm no expert by faaaar and I'm not insta famous or have a large following, and I'm not aiming for either of those (obviously it's a nice feeling to think people are enjoying your feed and want to see more). I do all this faffing around just to share beautiful photos, my travelling photography and also (often) use it as a way to drive traffic to my blog.
Now, I know I'm no expert by faaaar and I'm not insta famous or have a large following, and I'm not aiming for either of those (obviously it's a nice feeling to think people are enjoying your feed and want to see more). I do all this faffing around just to share beautiful photos, my travelling photography and also (often) use it as a way to drive traffic to my blog.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
10 Things I Love About Blogging
A few weeks ago I made a post on things I was happy about with my blog at the time. It's always nice to take time to appreciate the things you love about the blogging life.
Thursday, June 01, 2017
My All-Time Favourite Blogs
Obviously this list could go on forever because there are so many amazing blogs out there doing SO well, but these are the blogs that I have been a fan of since day one. So I have easy access to these blogs and lots of other fabulous blogs, I have made a bookmark folder dedicated to my favourites, the list currently is at 62. Maybe I will make a post dedicated to all the blogs that are in this folder, split into specific categories.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
How I Edit my Blog Photos
A few weeks ago I did a 'How I edit my Instagram photos', so I thought I would share how I edit my blog photos as the processes are both completely different. The Instagram method is a lot easier and less time consuming, whereas this process has a little more difficulty to it and involves using more complex tools.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
4 Important Aspects to a Blog Post
The four important aspects which I consider to be the most important of them all. Obviously we want you to produce good content, and read your opinions on products/thoughts but what is it which draws us towards us to a blog post in the first place and why we continue to read through it all? This is only what I think are the important factors and what makes me click on posts, obviously this may not be the same opinion for everyone.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Crucial Blog Design Must-Haves
There are certain features a blog needs in order to help maintain its traffic and success. It's important to help viewers stay connected with your blog and having these features will help achieve that.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
10 Blog Things I'm Happy About Right Now
Being the owner of a blog which hundreds and thousands of people visit over time puts a little bit of pressure on you. You want your blog to stand out, produce quality content and, to constantly be involved in the blogging community and what's happening 24/6 over social media (which plays a big part of your blog).
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started a Blog
I came onto the blogging scene as a blank canvas; not knowing how to work anything, the positives and negatives to blogging, how to blog (if there is a right way which I, personally, don't think there is) and what on earth I am going to write about. Obviously I should have done a little more research so I had a little head start before jumping right into the deep end. The only experience I had with blogging was reading other blogs and having friends who run their own blogs, does that even count as experience in blogging?
Saturday, April 22, 2017
How to Stay Engaged with your Blog When you have Bloggers Block
Sunday, April 16, 2017
The Liebster Award
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