No blogger is perfect, and a lot of bloggers will find a few struggles in this industry as it is so competitive. I find myself worrying about how my blog looks, whether my content is appealing enough, or if I even like my blog way too many times. Right now I can say I am happy, although I am waiting to gather enough confidence to buy a template I've found (which I am in love with) but sadly it's sooooo expensive, which I why I keep contemplating it.
Blogging is becoming very competitive these days because it is so common and becoming so popular globally. Every blogger will have it's doubts whether they think their blog is good enough, successful enough, or even worth having a read through. There are so many aspects to think about that you need to invest so much time into them to become recognised and a success.
For me, I am still only blogging part time and for at least a year longer this will stick to part-time and a hobby, just because of other commitments in my life at the moment. Do I see a future of full-time blogging? Perhaps, but I'm not even remotely close to being a successful blogger, especially going at this rate.
I have found myself drifting away from the blogging scene since being home just because I have so many other things going on in my life that I have really struggled to find the time to sit down and blog, or even interact with other blogs. And this is where the topic of this blog post comes in...
Running a blog involves a lot of interaction and promoting through social media and this can be very time consuming. Ever since moving back to the UK, I really struggle to find time to sit down and dedicate some time to social media and engaging with followers and other bloggers. Hopefully once I finish work this will improve but I know for the next week I will be a little distant still.
Social media is your main platform to getting your blog known and more popular so making sure you have a few hours a day to spend uploading onto your Instagram, promoting your latest post on Twitter, or pinning some interesting and relatable posts on Pinterest is very important to stay in contact with your followers.
Remembering to comment on blog posts
This is probably my most frustrating flaw with blogging because I read so many blog posts but always forget to comment, and it's nice to leave a comment so the blogger knows how much you enjoyed reading their post and what you learnt from it. Recently though I have struggled to find time to sit down and read people's latest posts so when I get properly back into that I will make sure I remember to leave comments every time. Think of it like this; do you like reading comments other people have left on your blog? Then I'm sure they'll appreciate the same to their blog from you.
Being adventurous with my blog photography
This is actually something I will be able to improve on when I am back home. I feel like all my photographs are similar looking and have no excitement/originality to them. Studying abroad limits you to what you can buy because you know you probably won't be able to take it back with you due to luggage allowances etc. So I have had to make do with whatever I have around my room. I can't complain too much because I could have gone out and taken photos in the city, which I did do a little of, but I am a sucker for forgetting my camera (and iPhone pictures never work for me)!
Comparing my blog to others
I am always pointing out things I want to change and comparing mine to others which is definitely something I should NOT be doing. I need to keep reminding myself that this blog is mine and it should reflect onto my personality. Just need to keep remembering your blog is YOURS and no blog is just like it.
To be honest, I have got a lot better with this in the recent weeks because I use other blogs to enjoy reading their content (which is often much better than mine and can help step mine up), to gather ideas up for a new blog content because ever so often you get bloggers block which is the worst thing, and to help you improve your blog layout - maybe a certain blog has a section which you need, or you've missed out an important aspect in your blog posts - it's always good to read/look over other blogs because it can help you discover extras which you may need for yours.
I often find myself looking at blog templates on various websites and I need to stop because I've changed my blog layout one too many times. I am loving my template at the moment but I keep discovering cool layouts which I want, but they all come at a heavy cost, sad times! I think I will want to have a big relaunch in the future but I am happy with my blog look right now, and I need to keep telling myself that.
I am hoping all of these will be solved/improved over the rest of summer as I will have plenty of time to focus on blogging, finger's crossed!
Do you agree with any of these? What are your struggles with being a blogger?