Thank you to Lucy from Skinny Vanilla for nominating me (you can read her post on this here). It is a great way for bloggers to discover my blog and vice versa. It is lovely to see the amount of support we give one another every day and this is one of the many ways we do.
So what are the rules to this nomination?
- Post 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you
- Nominate 11 other bloggers
- Ask the bloggers 11 questions
- Let the bloggers know that you have nominated them
11 facts about myself
- I lived in Taiwan from 7 years of age to 11.
- I currently live in Shanghai (only for 2.5 more months).
- My knee dislocates all the time. It actually dislocated at Angkor Wat when I was alone and had about a miles walk back to my tuk tuk driver.
- Photography is a huge passion of mine. My Nikon D7100 is like my baby.
- I adopted a Donkey until I was about 14, his name was Daniel P and lived at Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary.
- I have an obsession with pickled onion monster munch, yes they give you very smelly breath.
- I could probably recite the entire Friends series set...I've watched it the whole way through about 10 times, maybe more.
- I have a ridiculous amount of dresses and will continue to buy more.
- I've recently found out I'm lactose intolerant, and I LIVE on dairy...great.
- I once missed a flight and I was sat right in front of the gate when they called the flight number.
- I turn 21 in August. YAY PARTY TIME!
11 Questions Lucy asked me
I tend to crash out on the sofa and watch a film, or go for a walk. I love country walks when I am home, occasionally accompanied by my Nan's dog Charlie.
Where is your favourite place and why?
It's either Bali or Taiwan, both very different but beautiful countries. Bali because of the stunning culture shown through the architecture, the panoramic views from the many cliffs, and the people are so welcoming and funny, and I've had some of the best memories there. Taiwan because it was my home for half of my childhood and it is a vibrant country full with so much beauty.
(Bath is also up there as a favourite!)
What has been one of your most memorable experiences to date?
What has been one of your most memorable experiences to date?
I have always struggles to answer this and when I properly think about it, I can't answer. I have had so many amazing memorable experiences which I will treasure for the rest of my life. From spending days with rescued elephants in Laos to staying in the heart of Yosemite National's impossible to pick just one.
When are you most happy and why?
When I am surrounded by my family and friends.
What is your biggest regret?
A particular relationship I made with someone at university.
What do you love most about yourself?
The bravery and courage I have when I am travelling to just go and do anything, to make friends and to make the most out of where I am. Also, how spontaneous I can be occasionally.
What are you most passionate about?
Travelling and Photography.
Who do you admire?
My family; I wouldn't be where I am without them and their constant support.
What are you obsessed with right now?
Pocky! Look it up if you don't know what it is, they're so yummy!!
Why did you start blogging?
So I could write about what I love and share advice, experiences and thoughts with everyone.
What era do you wish you were born in? 70’s? 80’s? And why?
I'm happy to have been born in the 90's. I wouldn't have met all my friends otherwise, and they are fabulous people!
My nominations
Charlotte at
Sarah at
Julia at
Sally at
Georgia at
Eloise at
Tanya at
Megan at
Charlie at
Abbey at
Morgan at
And here are your 11 questions, enjoy :)
- Who is your biggest inspiration?
- If you were given a roundtrip ticket to any country tomorrow, where would you go and why?
- What is your favourite film?
- How do you motivate yourself to achieve your goals in life?
- What 3 things would you save in a fire?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What would be the hardest thing to give up on?
- What is your greatest strength or weakness?
- If you were given a million pounds and you had to spend it in the next 24 hours, what would you spend it on?
- What has been your greatest achievement?