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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Crucial Blog Design Must-Haves

There are certain features a blog needs in order to help maintain its traffic and success. It's important to help viewers stay connected with your blog and having these features will help achieve that.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

5 Reasons Why You're Lacking Productivity

Ever question those days/periods where you have no energy to do anything productive and just spend the day lazing around? Obviously, we all deserve to relax every now and then but so you ever wonder why, when it comes to work or doing something for the day, why you're lacking productivity?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Editing my Instagram Photos

I have recently started to up my Instagram game massively and using the same effects for each image to make my feed look appealing and the best it can be. I like the effect of brightness, boldness with a strong contrast. The look I go for gives a hint of redness and an increase in brightness and a slight decrease in saturation.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

10 Blog Things I'm Happy About Right Now

Being the owner of a blog which hundreds and thousands of people visit over time puts a little bit of pressure on you. You want your blog to stand out, produce quality content and, to constantly be involved in the blogging community and what's happening 24/6 over social media (which plays a big part of your blog).

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Why you Should Travel Solo at Least Once in Your Life

During January and February 2017, I made the courageous decision to travel solo across South East Asia. Was I scared? Hell yeah, but I think that would be everyones initial reaction, especially when you're hopping onto the first plane to a land you've never stepped foot on before.
As South East Asia is a popular choice for travellers, youngsters in particular on their gap years, I didn't have to worry much knowing that I wouldn't be completely alone.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Thoughts on Leaving Shanghai

2 months left of living in this beautiful city. 2 FRICKIN' MONTHS! Where has this year gone, it has flown by like a rocket! I have been ready to go home for a while now, but that doesn't mean that I won't miss Shanghai. Of course I will, Shanghai is a city full of life, culture, colour and beautiful scenes. I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity to live in such an amazing city and travel in such a diverse country. No doubt, I will be back Shanghai.
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