2 months left of living in this beautiful city. 2 FRICKIN' MONTHS! Where has this year gone, it has flown by like a rocket! I have been ready to go home for a while now, but that doesn't mean that I won't miss Shanghai. Of course I will, Shanghai is a city full of life, culture, colour and beautiful scenes. I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity to live in such an amazing city and travel in such a diverse country. No doubt, I will be back Shanghai.
I am probably 10000 times more excited than most students here to return home because I haven't been home all year. A lot of my friends and university students took the Chinese New Year break to spend time with their family and friends back home, whereas I took it to travel around Asia. Since around March time I have been counting down the days for two things; when my sister comes to visit (she's coming in June for 3 weeks and then flying back with me!) and when I go home and they couldn't come fast enough. My sister is coming back to Shanghai (she also took a year abroad here last year) to stay with me for 3 weeks and we're planning to travel and explore around Shanghai plenty. We have a very close relationship so we're both unbelievably excited to be reunited, a year is just too long. I've already been making lists of things for us to do!
Next step...
The next step after this is going into my final year...AH! I'm not prepared in the slightest but I have a slight idea with what to expect. It is going to be a tough year to get through but I'm positive I will stay on top of things and be able to graduate at the end of the year with a well deserved degree. For now, let's concentrate on getting to the end of this year.
What are you looking forward to in the next few months?